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Hi,my name is Laura. I'm 17 years old and currently studying.
On the 7th of October, "Laura" was born.

Status: taken by aaronyongjunyee, an amazing guy that God gift to me.


leave your footsteps here

strictly no vulgar and unpleasant comments! Be nice and speak with gentle.



It's been a few days I haven't blogged about how am I doing lately. I wasn't doing really good & my time is so packed. Results has announced and I'm so upset with my result. I am not satisfy with the result and I wonder why do I deserve this. It takes quite a long period of time for me to calm. Getting stressful each day and wonder how am I suppose to sit for the SPM which I think this will debut how's my future going to be. I'm so stressed out and thinking if I'm going to score at least B in my English subject? I can't even think of it, my brain is so numb..

Recently, there's still a lot of assignments to catch up and hand it up by this end of August. Couldn't think of it how many days more until the due date. But I'm thankful I've a good pair of workmates to work out with me, at least I don't have to stress out what should I act for. Too little time yet too much works to do. Can't get myself a good sleep. Everything around me is so sickening and torturing. I felt irritated so much, I need some empty spaces for myself to go out from this depression and I should've stop being so negatively.

Anyway, I'm sorry if I couldn't make a longer post or posting pictures. I'm so tired and I need more time to get some rest. Having a hectic & packed schedule is exhausting. I'll do a longer and a more interesting post asap. I promise. I can't tell more, I'm stuck. Let my brain gets some rest and some time for me to banish all these unnecessarily personal issues.

So thankful to people around me trying their best to cheer me up while I'm getting frown in the school. Thank you for making all these silly jokes to comfort me. Love you guys.


"lately." was Posted On: Thursday, August 22, 2013 @7:46 AM | 0 lovely comments
a well spent Saturday

It was a great day before everything goes back to ordinary. Overall, this two weeks time and today was the greatestl&productive day I had spent! Had so much fun with my girls today. Went to Suria Sabah's Amp Square for karaoke. We were about to go for a movie but unfortunately time is running out. Sang more than 20 songs and above, and I'm glad I could still remember all these old songs' lyrics.

These precious moments are untradable. I love spending my time with you girls! What more could I ask for when I'm frowning over my personal stuffs, you girls are the one who cheered me and motivates me, giving me so much advises to tell me that giving up shouldn't be the reason to let go everything. Thank you for being a part of my life, thank you for coloring my life and thank you for giving me such memorable moments before I left :( There's few more months left and I'm going to leave the school and gonna be apart with you girls, I can't imagine how's my life would be without you girls. Let's just treasure the few more months and cherish it with good memories! "you da best",I love you girls!

So, guess what! I got myself a make-up pouch to store all my make-ups and my facial cares! It looks quite simple but it's more convenient for me cause the surface area are bigger so I can put more and I don't have to separate them into two bags! It costs me Rm16.90, affordable and simple!
Here's a picture how does my pouch looks like :)

Tadaaaa! This is how it looks like after I've arranged them into the bag! This is only a part of my make-ups equipment, excluded the facial cares! Still a lot of spaces to go on, will post a decent one after I've placed them all in together :)

anyway, I'm stopping here. Enjoy x

"a well spent Saturday" was Posted On: Saturday, August 17, 2013 @6:17 AM | 0 lovely comments
annoying weekdays

Basically, my weekdays never goes productive nor fun. I prefer weekends more than weekdays. My weekdays goes blue blue blue. Instead of having school during the school time, I came home and nap for 3 hours and got up and have to rush to tuition. My life is a bore.

Recently, I've been keeping myself busy and to accomplish all these stuffs. I've got to submit it before the holidays end. The biggest issues I'm facing right now is having a habit of procrastination. Instead of laying down on the sofa and turn on my television, I sleep. I ended my day with an unproductive way. Perhaps, I still thank God I could manage to done all these stuffs smoothly though time is running out.

In the mean time, there's still a lot of records I haven't done yet. Now, screw my life. I'm totally a jerk for editing and cutting films. Therefore, a sound record is needed and currently my throat hurts a lot by having a lot of deep fried foods. What am I suppose to do when the time is running out while I'm still sitting here doing exactly nothing? Goodness!

Anyway, I spent my holidays staying up in the room & living room. I'm getting lazier each day and I can't find any interesting activities to go for. But still, I'm quite excited with the next weekend! I can't wait for my boy to be home! It took ages of time for me to done the anniversary gift, I hope you'll like this little surprise tho you've knew how it looks like. *oh there's more surprises to go on* and some more I've been counting down how many days more until you're home :( ! I'm missing you like crazy already..

So I've been stuck in this place about 3-4 hours to done a single work.. Everything is in a mess but still I enjoy working with it :)

I get really excited when I'm about to done my work! Been doing this for monthS. I hope things would turn out the way I expected! It's really tired but I enjoy writing and rewinding back to the old days 

Ohhh I got to stop here! Too little time yet too much works to be done.
 Have a nice Wednesday, enjoy!

"annoying weekdays" was Posted On: Wednesday, August 14, 2013 @1:59 AM | 0 lovely comments
my pet is my best listener

*ignore all these messy surrounding 

*wink wink* throwback to Sunday. I spent quite a lot of time to take care of this little pup. Let me do a short introduction before I start talking about it. My pet named as "Woody", and it's about 7-8 months with the weight of 5.6kg (This weight is weighted on July). Pet types are Mixed poodle with Shih Tzu (uhm im not sure with the chinese words). Basically, my pet-Woody gains 1kg per month. She's quite mischievous and sometimes when she gets hyper up, she would goes like scratching me or bumped into my body and lick my face. Woody, is the greatest pet I've ever reared. She's like my happy pills, it's like she knows that I'm upset and she'll be like acting pity emotions to seek for my hug. Whenever I seemed so wrong, she's the one who would be my greatest listener and listen to my sorrowful thoughts. Even when I get pissed off with some of the stupid did she had made, but still she's the only pet I loved so much. I'm so thankful and grateful to have you!

Anyway, it's a post showing how big is my love for my pet. Enjoy! 

"my pet is my best listener" was Posted On: Sunday, August 11, 2013 @11:46 PM | 0 lovely comments
A simple greeting

Basically, I've spent about 5-7 hours for editing this and it took me quite a lot of efforts to edit everything. I get so strange with the new change of the Blog, so it screwed me up and I swear this is the most tiring yet the longest time I used to edit just for a banner. I've totally forgotten how to get all these links linked and how to add on these affiliates and more. I'm truly sorry if my blog seemed really empty, I'll try to catch up and beautify my blog asap. A pinky promise I swear I'll do. But overall, I'm here to do my first greeting! Hello and this blog will note down every single thing I'm going through. The reason why I created a new blog is because I think the previous blog are extremely depressing and I don't think I would going back to it. Starting from today, I'm going to blog how's my life doing right now. I hope you every single of my blog post will inspire you and bring joys to you!

Perhaps I think it's time for me to stop writing because it's 1:02 over here. Will update it sooner or later. Goodnight! :)

"A simple greeting " was Posted @10:02 AM | 0 lovely comments

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