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Hi,my name is Laura. I'm 17 years old and currently studying.
On the 7th of October, "Laura" was born.

Status: taken by aaronyongjunyee, an amazing guy that God gift to me.


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a short break to Australia

Hi there! Recently, I've been busying for my brother's graduation preparation and school stuffs! I'm so sorry for not blogging and disappearing for so so long! So, finally I could take a short break to blog about my journey to Australia! Basically, I went to two state and overall I'm off from school about 10 days straight. The first state I headed was Western Australia, Perth and the second was South Australia, Adelaide. Between this two state, I liked&enjoyed the most is WA. Perth, a place which is much modern than Adelaide and which looks much beautiful,while Adelaide looks more vintage.

So, I've been struggling over there. I actually liked the places and people over there but the only reason is the weather. I'm kind of lucky because the season over there are Spring. Which we knew that it's flower blooming everywhere with this acceptable cold breeze weather. During night was the greatest struggles I've been go through. The temperature went terrible low and the lowest are 6 Celsius. You might think it's an acceptable temperature, but the truth is your hand gone frozen and your foots are all frozen.

So, I'll just cut my story short and get into the main point. The main reason I went to Aussie is because of my Bro's graduation. Finally the day has reached! I remembered the first day he went to pursue his further studies and I cried so hard for his leaving. Home is really bored without his disturbance and annoyance. As time flies by, now you're finally graduated! How fast it is? I'm so proud of you! Finally, your hard work has finally paid off! Now, you're going into another stage of life! Though life has so much obstacles, I believe you've the braveness to conquer and work it all done! Last but not least, I hope you very the best lucks in the future! May God bless you do well&smooth in your future! I love you.

After all, now it's picture sharing time! Here's some of the fascinating moments! Enjoy!


Nothing feels better than your siblings are your greatest listener :)

Oh wait, I'm finally graduated too!


went to the zoo! Hello Kangaroooooo.


On the other day, I went to the Royal Show! I'm getting insane and hyper up over here! I've missed out a lot of fun games! One ride has to be enough for me and almost at the edge of puking!

You cant believe it but I've done this for the second time riding all alone! Spot me! I'm sitting alone with a grey long leggings! It's easy to spot me! for a better resolution, click here and click on the setting button then, change the quality into higher resolution!
i'm sorry for the bad qualities, my dad actually recorded this for me :)

German Village
This is incredible! I tasted the most delicious pork ribs in my entire whole life! Cant deny the goodness but wish to have one more plate! p/s, are you drooling right now? 

Above these pictures are just a little part from my camera! All of these pictures&videos are without filters! There's more pictures in my camera&phone! I'm sorry I can't post all of them in one time but I'll re-post some of these beautiful flowers bloom! If you've an Insta, you can see them over there!

will blog again sooner or later. Enjoy! 


"a short break to Australia" was Posted On: Thursday, September 19, 2013 @2:12 AM | 0 lovely comments

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