
 photo 4926cp-1.jpg
Hi,my name is Laura. I'm 17 years old and currently studying.
On the 7th of October, "Laura" was born.

Status: taken by aaronyongjunyee, an amazing guy that God gift to me.


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clean-up day

Hi there! Nothing much about my lifestyle or something interesting events to talk about. But then, I worked out something and it actually satisfied me so so much. As you can see my title up there was about a "clean-up day" and so I actually made an effort to clean up my make-up table and all these messy accessories. I don't really keep my things tidy and clean, but when a sudden interest hits on me, I actually meant it.

Basically, I've took half an hour to clean up the whole table. It's so messy and I used to simply place it somewhere which is empty and then I ended up loosing them and I can't even find them out. So, I decided to get some compartments to place into the four decks of drawer and keeping them all tidy and in the right corner. The most headache part was the 2nd part till the bottom, counting down from the upper part. It's placed with a lot of the hand cream & my facial treatments. I am a skin sensitive user, with an oily skin. Which my skin don't accept over moisture and I've to use something that's 100% oil-free. Somehow, my forehead is a disaster. I called it disaster because I've so much pimples on my forehead. That's why I've so many different drugs in my drawer to cure my face's acne.

Next, I use make-ups as well. No, I don't use heavy make-ups but a light touch-up on my face which is with these pimples crowded on & some redness around my face. In another way, I like tan skin a lot. So I always ended up putting on some tan-foundation on my face! uhhh, i just liikeeeee having a tan skin :/

Alright, I'll just cut my story short. Here's some of the before&after photos!  




That's all! This is an overall looking after cleaning up those unwanted stuffs :) ! It looks so much better and more comfortable & the most important thing is, more space for me!

hohoho enjoy! x

"clean-up day" was Posted On: Thursday, October 17, 2013 @2:49 AM | 0 lovely comments

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