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Hi,my name is Laura. I'm 17 years old and currently studying.
On the 7th of October, "Laura" was born.

Status: taken by aaronyongjunyee, an amazing guy that God gift to me.


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disappointed day

Hello again! Today was kind of good & bad day for me. So, today is a public-holiday for the Hari Raya Haji. Mom brought me & my bro went to the mall and it was so crowded and that's kind of ruined my mood. All these stores are having promotions & big sales! Bought two pair of long jeans (something like a jeans and leggings) which only cost me Rm38 for two pieces! The normal price was Rm39 for each and it's on promotion with Rm19 for one piece! That's kind of satisfactory for me getting a new long jeans/leggings.

Not having much items today, just walking around in the mall and trying to do something more productive but it ended up like, so so and not that productive. Another little thing that cheers me up that I actually got a free gift from Guardian, which mom bought something with the price over --- ! The mysterious gift is kind of exotic. It's with a bottle of Garnier facial wash, L'Oreal 's eye shadows, Dove's free trial soap bar, a Scotch refill tap (i get really shocked when I saw it, it's like seriously? a magic tapper?) and a pair of Dove key-chain. What impressed me the most was the Dove key-chain! It's a pair of couple chain with the Dove sign, how lovely?

Oh, until the part that frustrated me a lot. During the night time, I was planning to celebrate my super duper belated birthday after the meal, and mom actually get my wishlist done. So on the Monday afternoon, I went to buy the Baskin Robbins' ice cream cake, and I store it into the cooling section *which I do not know that the ice cream cake HAVE TO place into the FREEZING section* and when I open the next day(Tuesday), the whole cake actually melted and the shape of its cake has turned into a really unpleasant looking.. I can't hold but cried.. It's so heart-aching watching the cake I've been craving for so long and it turned out that way.. I'm sorry, I made a promise during the previous post that I would post up the celebration but now I do not have any pictures & I actually failed to celebrate.. uh, I'm sorry.

No worries, I'll post up the belated presents soon alright!
It's time to stop, it's lateee even tho I'm not having school tmrw. I'm tired yet, really frustrated.

"disappointed day" was Posted On: Tuesday, October 15, 2013 @9:03 AM | 0 lovely comments

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