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Hi,my name is Laura. I'm 17 years old and currently studying.
On the 7th of October, "Laura" was born.

Status: taken by aaronyongjunyee, an amazing guy that God gift to me.


leave your footsteps here

strictly no vulgar and unpleasant comments! Be nice and speak with gentle.


Deepest regards

Happy 26th Monthsary Baby  

It's another good day to be remembered and to be talked about. So, time flies just like a blink of an eyes, and I can't believe it's already October. Here comes to the 6th, and it's our monthsary! It's 26th! How fast it was? I can't imagine that we've been through so much ups and downs together, a lot of obstacles and so much crowded roads & paths. Thank you so much for this 790 days.  You gave me so much enchanted memories that nobody could replace and take away! I thank God I actually had somebody that concern about me all the time and giving me so much love and take cares when I'm all alone and frustrated. As time goes by, I'm falling for you more than you thought of. Thank you for guiding me through this hard paths, you're the most amazing guy that I could have. Thank you so so much. I can't wait to reunite with you already :( 77 days more and we'll see each other again. Let's pray that time will goes faster and we're gonna say bye to long-distance relationship! 

Guess what? It's our last PE and I actually manage to snap some photos before I'm leaving! It's my last PE yet my last year in the school snuggling around. I don't know why, but whenever I close my eyes, and think to the first day I'm coming to this school, and start nagging how long more do I have to endure until I could leave this bloody school. And in the end, I literally burst myself into tears. Leaving high-school doesnt sounds cool anymore. Because, it known as you're separating with your close friends. People says "High-School friends are going to be your future's only friends." I'm like, NO? I don't wish to separate with them. It tears me up and actually upsets me a lot. They're like my family. They cheers me up whenever I'm frowning over little stuffs or whatsoever. How can I just, leave them like I have to?  

Can't ask and demand for more but thank youuu! I hope our memories will be always remembered and treasured. 

Indescribable gratefulness towards you. 

Uncountable Thank You to you. We knew each other since Primary 2. My childhood joys filled with you as well! Now, after 9 years we're still playing and joking around with each other. Now, when people asks me who're your close friends? I would said, "She's not only my close friends but my siblings as well" ! I still remember the first day we met. In the class and sitting near with each other! You're a new transferred student from somewhere. And we started talking to each other and that's the time we get attached with each other. I remember your first crush during Primary 2, and I couldn't stop joking about it even tho I'm Seventeen already, I eventually laugh when I talked about it. Then, here goes to the Primary 4, we get elected as the school Prefects and we worked together! *hohoho what makes me get so happy is, our school doesn't go with the class reshuffling and that's the reason why we don't get separate* So, Primary 6! We're still same class and sitting near each other and going off to the Canteen together! Then, during the year ends, I'm glad that we're going to meet each other in the High-School. As time beep beep goes, we're Junior 1 ! And surprisingly, we're back to the same class AGAIN. Oh, God destiny us to the same class again! Junior one, was the most mischievous of us. Mingling around, pissing teacher,cheating during exams,and doing things that goes against the school rules. Then, we got separated during Junior 2,3 & Senior 1. But then we got into the same class again this year! What a miracle that you're actually accompanying me finish the last year of my high-school. You were the one Start off my Junior One and the one who End off the Senior 2's life. It's so great that you're my closest yet my greatest listener whenever I frown over my relationships. You were the only one who would listen to my sober during the late of night and still Skype with me and comfort me. You were the one who protects me like a sister and love me like your sister as well. You came across to my life and filled so much enjoyable and memorable moments with me. We slacked during lesson and you even sacrificed yourself and swap seat with others :') thanks man! You're such a good friend that I've knew in my entire life. Tho we might have some arguments, but it gains our trust and understanding! You are the best gift that God gave to me as well :')

:') And, Thank you for passing my birthday EVERY YEAR since Primary 2. You gave me too much to treasure. Thank you for the video you've made for me. I can't find a place to express my grateful and all my best regards to you, so I've decided to write at here. You actually sacrificed your study time and made this video for me. The video contains so much memories. Since 2009~2013. Thank you honey, you actually walked a lot of hard days with me and be my best towel when I cried. I can't believe that we've to separate and step towards the society. I actually cried over you :( ! I don't wanna leave you and going to further study without you. I wish you could be my side all the time, and study together, sing together, curse together and do whatsoever stupidity together instead myself :( Sooner, I'm leaving this school and I'm going to study overseas, we can't get with each other so often like we does randomly :( How am I suppose to live without your nags your hating FANGIRLINGS over these korean bands? I hope that you'll actually pursue your further study with me since we've the same interesting course! And honey, no matter what goes through, I'll be my your side and be your listener. If you ever needed a shoulder, I'm here :) I would be delighted to listen to you! Let's swear, we're not going to separate even we're far apart :) ! Thank you for everything. 

Thank you for the  video! Love you. 

Alright. It's my turn to express. It's good to know my baby and my friends. I can't believe that High-school's life is going to end like that. 27 days more left and I'll be waving & saying goodbye to Sabah Tshung Tsin Secondary School. Thinking back to the past, this school brought too much amazing peoples to me. Eg: Aaron yong jun yee . I can't believe our love story start from here :D It's so heartwarming knowing you from here and it's my biggest pleasure to know you as my boyfie. You're also the one who filled so much high-school memories to me! Like, bringing lunch box, going canteen with each other, studying together and more! Too much ups and downs I've been suffering and it's actually came to an end. Thank you Tshung Tsin for bringing so much good days and bad days to me :) Tho you're quite hating with some of these hating teachers around, but you still raised me up with a lot of knowledge.

Thank you Baby
Thank you Abby.
Thank you Friends.
Thank you STTSS.

I hope my post won't bored you :) enjoy!

"Deepest regards" was Posted On: Sunday, October 6, 2013 @12:18 AM | 0 lovely comments

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