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Hi,my name is Laura. I'm 17 years old and currently studying.
On the 7th of October, "Laura" was born.

Status: taken by aaronyongjunyee, an amazing guy that God gift to me.


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It's been a few days I haven't blogged about how am I doing lately. I wasn't doing really good & my time is so packed. Results has announced and I'm so upset with my result. I am not satisfy with the result and I wonder why do I deserve this. It takes quite a long period of time for me to calm. Getting stressful each day and wonder how am I suppose to sit for the SPM which I think this will debut how's my future going to be. I'm so stressed out and thinking if I'm going to score at least B in my English subject? I can't even think of it, my brain is so numb..

Recently, there's still a lot of assignments to catch up and hand it up by this end of August. Couldn't think of it how many days more until the due date. But I'm thankful I've a good pair of workmates to work out with me, at least I don't have to stress out what should I act for. Too little time yet too much works to do. Can't get myself a good sleep. Everything around me is so sickening and torturing. I felt irritated so much, I need some empty spaces for myself to go out from this depression and I should've stop being so negatively.

Anyway, I'm sorry if I couldn't make a longer post or posting pictures. I'm so tired and I need more time to get some rest. Having a hectic & packed schedule is exhausting. I'll do a longer and a more interesting post asap. I promise. I can't tell more, I'm stuck. Let my brain gets some rest and some time for me to banish all these unnecessarily personal issues.

So thankful to people around me trying their best to cheer me up while I'm getting frown in the school. Thank you for making all these silly jokes to comfort me. Love you guys.


"lately." was Posted On: Thursday, August 22, 2013 @7:46 AM | 0 lovely comments

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