
 photo 4926cp-1.jpg
Hi,my name is Laura. I'm 17 years old and currently studying.
On the 7th of October, "Laura" was born.

Status: taken by aaronyongjunyee, an amazing guy that God gift to me.


leave your footsteps here

strictly no vulgar and unpleasant comments! Be nice and speak with gentle.



This post is specially typed for one of my close friend, a girl with a baby thinking, hilarious personality and a friendly heart. I can't say how amazing is she. We met each other since Junior One,2009. Which, our first met contained with a memorable memories. I can't say how important is her existence for me, because without her my life wouldn't such complete. I'm so grateful to have a friend like you, listening to my complaints and all these gossips throughout the same haters. I simply love her cute personalities and funny reactions. I thank God for giving such great friend to me. Even though we're not in the same class for this 5 years, but we're still sooooo close, like siblings! Thank you for the birthday gift. I'm here to share you my gratitude, your card are amazing&pretty decorated with the candle and cuttings! I appreciated so much for all your efforts on this little card. You know what? When I finished reading your notes, I ended up crying :( It's such a sad moment that we'll be separate after 16 days. I can't even imagine how am I suppose to live without you girls :< You eventually made me cried over your card, it's so touching and heart-warming. I promise, even we're miles apart, we'll still be on the same distance, skyping each other whenever there's a free time or holidays! I just pray you girls wouldn't forget my existence even though I'm not around you girls and going to the canteen and joking each other.

Thank you so much, your card's font is beautiful and it's not messy at all. I see efforts throughout the fonts baby. I know you gonna cry over me when I'm leaving the school and this beautiful KK. Remember as always, we'll be sticking each other like a super-glue. Not breaking up and not going to forget each other alright?

Last but not least, thank you, thousand of Thank you for this cute stuffs <3 I will use it and show you what I wrote inside! Remember you told me we'll swap the notebook after finish writing? Yessss, we've to! :)
Uncountable Thank you for everything you've made for me, I love you!
Our Friendship will never break, no matter thunder strikes on nor heavy rains, we'll still go through this obstacles.

Thank you Karennnnn <3 :)

opsssss, I purposely posted this because, I like how "decent" we are in the photo :p

"Karen " was Posted On: Friday, October 18, 2013 @7:50 AM | 0 lovely comments

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