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Hi,my name is Laura. I'm 17 years old and currently studying.
On the 7th of October, "Laura" was born.

Status: taken by aaronyongjunyee, an amazing guy that God gift to me.


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my pet is my best listener

*ignore all these messy surrounding 

*wink wink* throwback to Sunday. I spent quite a lot of time to take care of this little pup. Let me do a short introduction before I start talking about it. My pet named as "Woody", and it's about 7-8 months with the weight of 5.6kg (This weight is weighted on July). Pet types are Mixed poodle with Shih Tzu (uhm im not sure with the chinese words). Basically, my pet-Woody gains 1kg per month. She's quite mischievous and sometimes when she gets hyper up, she would goes like scratching me or bumped into my body and lick my face. Woody, is the greatest pet I've ever reared. She's like my happy pills, it's like she knows that I'm upset and she'll be like acting pity emotions to seek for my hug. Whenever I seemed so wrong, she's the one who would be my greatest listener and listen to my sorrowful thoughts. Even when I get pissed off with some of the stupid did she had made, but still she's the only pet I loved so much. I'm so thankful and grateful to have you!

Anyway, it's a post showing how big is my love for my pet. Enjoy! 

"my pet is my best listener" was Posted On: Sunday, August 11, 2013 @11:46 PM | 0 lovely comments

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