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Hi,my name is Laura. I'm 17 years old and currently studying.
On the 7th of October, "Laura" was born.

Status: taken by aaronyongjunyee, an amazing guy that God gift to me.


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Breakouts from the hell.


Finally, like finally it's already Saturday. I've been stressing over the Mock exams and not having any appropriate sleeps and lacking of sleeps. It's so exhausting and so sickening, I've to stay awake until late night, probably be like 2 something and I'm allowed to shut myself to the bed. As time flies, finally I've done enduring&struggling over these. Couldn't bear with the pressure pushes on me and my current emotions are literally drowning me. Two more subjects to go and everything will come to an end. Just one more day, and I'll be setting free. It's so pressuring when you've two different subjects in a day and your brain has its limit, but you've to force yourself to memorize it even its tough and tiring. This week was totally a hectic yet sleepy week, with this unstoppable raining during morning and night is making me sick and this was a big torment for me. Uh, I need to get out of this hell.

So, it's Saturday! Not productive at all, spent my morning session in the school taking exams and the afternoon was, blasted nap. It's about a week I'm not hanging in the mall, I guess after the exams going off a spree would be perfect for me! Oh yes, mom is going to get me Baskin Robbins' ice-cream cake! It's a belated celebration, but its fine at least I could grab a chance and blew the candle! It's year probably the last year I'm celebrating with family, and the next year would be myself all alone :( so, why not pamper yourself well? What I wished to receive during my birthday was, a mug from him & a new watch from dad and an ice cream cake from mom! Uhm, I don't sound greedy right? This is the most simple gift I wish for :) 

Well, will update some photos after the belated celebration! See you soon :) 
X goodnight.

"Breakouts from the hell." was Posted On: Saturday, October 12, 2013 @8:14 AM | 0 lovely comments

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